Mediafly Blog


4 Signs You Need Better Value Selling Tools

It’s no secret that the past 2 years have been difficult for most businesses. With economic uncertainty comes stricter budgets, and customers will find any excuse not to spend money, even when the investment could benefit them or their organization. The onus has now fallen on sellers to articulate the value of their product in

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How Smart Content Management Can Supercharge Distributor Partnerships

Distributors are an important partner for many CPG companies, helping brands reach larger markets without having to establish their own infrastructure. However, selling through distribution partners can often feel like ceding control of your destiny — you’ve lost some control over your sales initiatives. It’s hard to know how they’re selling your products, what content

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Value Selling: The Antidote for “ No Decision” and Stalled Deals

Over the last 12 to 18 months, shaky economic conditions have created a market fraught with hesitancy. What’s more, buyers are experiencing paralysis by analysis due to countless options and huge quantities of information.  Deals are stalling at best and falling through at worst: 56% of prospective customers who initially expressed interest in making a

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Conquering Sales Content Management for Consumer Packaged Goods

With new products hitting the market every day, consumer goods brands must constantly find new ways to set themselves apart from the masses. And, in today’s digital world, dusty binders and outdated brochures just don’t cut it anymore. To stand out, CPG sellers must arm themselves with dynamic, personalized content tailored to their buyer.  Are

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Categories:Content Management

Maximize the Impact of Your Sales Content

B2B sales content can be a fickle friend. There’s no denying content is an essential tool in today’s sales cycles, but many organizations struggle to wield it effectively. Consider this: just 5% of a buyer’s time is spent with sellers. During the other 95% of the evaluation process, buyers are conducting their own research relying

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