Posts matching tag: "Mobile"


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Mobile First Approach: Avoid Over Complication and Diminishing Value

When evaluating mobile applications it’s easy to get caught up in the “flashy” and “new”, shifting focus away from driving utilization of the app – the most critical success factor. Even through widely used cloud-based applications like and Workday are going mobile and increasingly adding feature rich products to solution suites, many users are seeing a

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Is “Innovation Included” In Your Enterprise Mobile App?

When you’re constantly struggling to just keep up, it’s nearly impossible to find the time to focus on innovation or even adequately adjust to the outlier innovative changes that impact your organization. The release of iOS7 was a hard lesson for many companies using enterprise mobile apps. One off and custom designed mobile apps aimed

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Enterprise Mobile Enablement: How to Kick-Off This Transformation Shift

Enterprise mobility. Mobile enablement. Enterprise-level mobile apps. These buzzwords are indicative of what Forrester calls the mobile mind shift, and for good reason. That being said, when trying to conceptualize what this shift means in your company’s ecosystem, how to integrate these concepts into your strategy and how to leverage them appropriately – it can be overwhelming. It’s very

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Enterprise Mobile Content from SharePoint Can Be Sexy, Elegant and Engaging

Microsoft SharePoint is a fantastic tool that does numerous things well. It allows companies to manage complex workflows, create Intranet and web portals, and manage sales and marketing materials across large companies. Unfortunately, without the right mobile app, you risk losing the impact and sizzle of your mobile presentations and mobile content. Out-of-the-box, SharePoint has two

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9-5 No Longer: How the Mobile Shift Is Changing Workplace Culture

The B2B mobile shift and enterprise mobility solutions are enabling both flexibility and process standardization. These benefits also mean that there is no longer a defined start and end time to the typical workday. Heck, the idea of a typical workday is anything but typical. “The punch in, punch out work environment is nearly obsolete,” says virtual service

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Experts Weigh In On Mobile Security

Prepare yourselves…techies are claiming that mobile technology will be more secure than traditional computing by the year 2014. The reason? It is because companies are increasingly adopting security strategies focusing on mobility, so the likelihood of mobility having superior security features in place is high. With both BYOD policies and emerging technology in place, mobile

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Don’t Fear the Apps: Mobilizing Your Production Process

First off, I hope that the title made you think of Will Ferrell playing a cowbell. Now let’s move on to business: mobilizing your production process for video. If you’re reading this, I’m going to assume that you’re in the film and television production business or other related field, so I’m going to put this

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Negative Impacts of iOS 7 on Enterprise Apps

Apple is radically changing iOS 7’s user interface and experience. While the verdict is still out whether this represents a major step forward for iOS, it represents a dramatic step backward for companies that have dozens to hundreds of apps built by third parties development firms. The simplified user interface means that a lot of things that were

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The Costs of Not Mobilizing Your Enterprise

I think we all know the feeling. You’re tired on a Saturday evening, your friends are begging you to come out with them, but you reluctantly decline. The next day they’re all talking about how awesome it was, and how Bono showed up and bought everyone a shot and a pair of sunglasses, or you

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