Posts in category: "Revenue enablement"


Categories:Revenue enablement

The Revenue Enablement Revolution has Arrived

At the dawn of the decade, there was an undeniable air of hope. Would this be the second coming of the roaring 20s? Would there be prosperity around every corner? Would investment in sales tech continue to grow at rapid speed?  The answer, unfortunately, would be a resounding no. The optimism that defined that time

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A CMO’s Perspective: The State Of Revenue Enablement

Scrolling LinkedIn, I barely get past five posts before seeing an expert proclaiming “sales is broken” or “what worked before isn’t working.” While some are sensationalist, most are thoughtful — and correct. For most revenue teams, 2023 has been a year of adaptation. Quota attainment is falling, sales cycles are lengthening, buyer frustration is real (I

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The Evolution of Enablement: The Top 5 Differences Separating Revenue Enablement & Sales Enablement

In today’s dynamic and volatile business landscape, optimizing sales, marketing, and post-sales teams to drive revenue is crucial for success. Traditional sales enablement, which focuses on one team, is no longer sufficient. Forrester recently made the switch from sales enablement to revenue enablement, stating “The term ‘sales enablement’ is no longer an effective description of how

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The 7 Revenue Intelligence Signals You Don’t Want To Miss

Revenue intelligence is all about using data analytics, machine learning, and AI to gather, analyze, and interpret customer and sales data to boost revenue growth and operational efficiency. Gartner defines revenue intelligence as, “third-party solutions that enhance the activity management, deal insights and pipeline analytics offered by sales force automation (SFA) platforms”. This involves collecting

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Value selling and value management: It’s not rocket science, it’s rocket fuel

In today’s uncertain economy and hyper-competitive business environment, the best product, pitched by the best seller, doesn’t necessarily win. Companies that want to drive urgency and stand out from the competition must demonstrate value at every stage of the sales cycle, embracing value selling. Over the last five years the ways buyers buy has changed

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