Posts in category: "All blog posts"


A CMO’s Perspective: The State Of Revenue Enablement

Scrolling LinkedIn, I barely get past five posts before seeing an expert proclaiming “sales is broken” or “what worked before isn’t working.” While some are sensationalist, most are thoughtful — and correct. For most revenue teams, 2023 has been a year of adaptation. Quota attainment is falling, sales cycles are lengthening, buyer frustration is real (I

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Two women in an office looking at a laptop screen with analytics on it.
Categories:All blog posts | Tour

The Ten Sales Content Metrics That Matter Most

As buyers increasingly choose to interact with sellers digitally it’s no secret they’re leaving treasure troves of data behind. Every sales leader is scrambling to collect as much of that data as they can to provide their teams with the best sales analytics and insights to be as effective as possible. Markets and Markets estimates

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Selling to the Top: Secrets To Closing The C-Suite

The Pandemic delivered a big shift in the B2B buying process and things are not changing anytime soon. Senior executives have become more directly involved in making purchasing decisions for their organizations. A study from Demand Gen Report not too long ago showed C-Suiters participating nearly 2x as much as they did before the pandemic. The current economic

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How To Uplevel Your Value Selling Methodology

In the fast-paced world of sales, where competition for buyers’ attention is fierce and buyers are constantly inundated with information, value selling has become a cornerstone of successful sales strategies. Value selling places the buyers’ needs at the forefront, and highlights tangible benefits they will get from the product instead of traditional sales pitches that

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Confetti falling from the air with the announcement Mediafly raised $80 million.
Categories:All blog posts | Company

Announcing our $80 Million Funding Round

We’ve all read the headlines.  “So far, 2023 is on track to turn in the lowest total investment at this stage in years,” (Crunchbase).  “U.S. venture funding is down 35% year-over-year in deal volume and 49% in deal value,” (InvestmentNews). Let’s face it. Raising funding in this economy is hard.  Raising funding in a crowded market

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Safety pins clipped together in a chain, with one outside of the chain.
Categories:All blog posts

4 Key Takeaways from the Gartner Market Guide for Revenue Enablement Platforms

The shift to Revenue Enablement is on. Not merely a buzzword, revenue enablement has quickly become a strategic imperative for companies striving to thrive in a competitive marketplace. We think the guide is a great resource for practitioners looking for perspective, technology trends, and best practices. In this blog, we’re highlighting four key takeaways. We

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Conversation Intelligence: A Crucial Tool for Sales Managers

As a sales manager, it’s tough to maintain consistent performance among your entire team. When you’re split in a million different directions, making time to listen to critical conversations between reps and prospects can seem like a luxury. Forrester found that sales managers only spend 14% of their time on coaching activities. However, monitoring your

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Anatomy of a Perfect Sales Conversation: There is No One-Size-Fits-All

Today, there are thousands of people claiming they’ve cracked the code to consistently have the perfect sales conversation. Here’s the thing, there is no silver bullet to create the perfect sales conversation in every situation, because every situation is different, and requires a different approach. There are countless myths out there including: “Salespeople should listen

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a desk with work papers, and a cellphone in front of a computer screen
Categories:All blog posts

The Top Sales Content Management System Stats

Sales is changing. Buyers have more access to information and are coming armed to sales engagements with more information than ever before. Both buyers and sellers are overwhelmed by the amount of content available to them, but the importance of relevant content is only becoming more important. Today, relevant content means personalized content. Modern buyers

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