Improving Sales Productivity with Mediafly

By Lindsey Tishgart | April 22, 2015

sales productivityOne of the biggest challenges salespeople face is how to drive more revenue while managing day-to-day administrative tasks. Between cold-calling, prepping for your next meeting and pulling together a presentation, it’s not always easy to remain laser-focused on closing your next deal. The fact of the matter is, when you’re bogged down with administrative work, your selling productivity suffers.

Ineffective content distribution is one of the biggest roadblocks that can hinder sales productivity. Salespeople often find themselves spending a significant amount of time searching through documents to find the right content, and curating materials for presentations that may not even be used. These activities keep you from maximizing your time with prospects.

To do your job effectively and efficiently, mobile devices and productivity-enhancing technology are a must. Content mobility within the enterprise makes it possible for content creators (marketing, sales enablement, etc.) to distribute the right content to the right sales reps in a manner that empowers them to be more productive and have more effective sales meetings.

When you are empowered to leverage company approved content in a way that still allows flexibility to deliver your sales story – your way – everybody wins. After all, the B2B sales cycle is only getting more complex, thanks to increasingly well-informed buyers who expect more value from each sales interaction. As a sales rep, you need to be able to leverage the most relevant piece of content when it will be the most impactful and realign your presentation to address needs that are uncovered along the way.

At Mediafly, we understand the importance of creating a productive sales environment where salespeople are empowered with tools that allow them to deliver valuable sales experiences. That’s why we developed our enterprise mobile sales enablement app, SalesKit.

With SalesKit, you can access content in a way that best supports your sales conversations, anytime and on any mobile device. Eliminate follow-up time by accomplishing tasks on the go or even during a meeting. Capture notes and share meeting recaps from within your presentation. You even can connect with your CRM right from your tablet to capture client information during appointments, or record activities and create tasks on the go.

SalesKit not only makes your life easier by reducing administrative burdens. The productivity advantages help you work smarter instead of working harder.

Want to learn more about SalesKit? Send us a note and we’ll set up a tailored demo for you!

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john burns profile photoJohn Burns is the Director of Sales and Marketing at Mediafly, Inc and the author of Mediafly’s Sales Insight blog.  Please have a look at some of the products and solutions John has had a hand in selling: SalesKit and ProReview.

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