Sales Enablement 3.0 (The NEW Normal) with Roderick Jefferson

By Tom Pisello | March 10, 2021

When you were the VP of Global Enablement for Marketo, Head of Global Sales Enablement for Oracle Marketing Cloud, and had key sales enablement and training leadership stints with Salesforce, 3PAR, PayPal, NetApp and Siebel you might have learned a thing or two.

And indeed, Roderick Jefferson knows enablement, and has a knack for codifying what many perceive as a difficult and complex set of practices into a set of straight-forward rules and guides.

In this interview, we discussed what it takes to get your sales enablement right – the correct mindset, skillset and toolset you need to succeed, among other things. He had some wonderful insight into understanding and communicating well with customers. Here are a few things I felt were worth sharing…

“We’ve got to be what I call the translator of dialects and languages. Right? We’ve got to speak marketing. Product marketing, HR, L and D, Product management, and sales. Go out and meet with the customers and prospects and then come Back and translate in their Speak… Not in sales enablement jargon, but in each of their individual speak.

What you learned. What’s working, what’s not working, and most importantly, what’s being asked of each of those organizations from prospects and customers that will now drive incremental revenue.

…when I’m having conversations with prospects, one of the questions I always ask is ‘How will this impact you personally?’ And people sit back and go “Wow! Great question. No one’s ever actually asked me that and honestly I hadn’t really thought about it and structured it.” I know what it’ll do, and I’ll go, ‘Well tell me then.’ And sometimes, oddly enough Tom, it’s the first time that they hear it outside of their own head.”

To listen to the full interview, click here:

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