TCO: Wanted. Dead or Alive w/ Bill Kirwin (ex – Gartner)

By Mediafly | April 23, 2020

I recently interviewed my friend Bill Kirwin, the originator of the IT TCO model for Gartner.

In this interview we discussed the origins of the original TCO model, what makes it so powerful and relevant still today, and how to create and deliver TCO models and tools that will resonate with skeptical buyers.

Bill spoke at length regarding the ‘hard’ and ‘soft’ costs, helped to define them, and clarified some mistruths…

“The second question I am asked is ‘Where’s the benefits model?’ I like to say that benefits are in the eye of the beholder. TCO has really morphed into an ROI or value proposition rather than just a cost model… There’s a way of translating soft costs into hard costs. I think ultimately it’s a philosophical question as to what IS a ‘soft’ cost as to a ‘hard’ cost.”

Listen to the full interview here to learn more!

Total Cost of Ownership matters, people…hard, soft, or otherwise!

Keep evolving, EVOLVERS!

Until next time…

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