Storage Is Not Distribution: Leverage the Full Content Lifecycle

By Lindsey Tishgart | August 4, 2015

storage lockers

[Cropped] Storage Lockers by Travis Wise | CC BY 2.0

Have you ever spent hours creating a great piece of content, and when it’s complete no one knows where to find it? When your content gets limited exposure, produces minimal results, and basically just sits there collecting digital dust, it leaves you wondering, “What have other marketers figured out that I’m missing?”

Once you’ve finalized that great piece of content, only half of your job is actually done. Storing digital content is not the same as distributing it. Stopping at the storage stage of the content creation lifecycle is one stage shy of where the real value is, which is in distribution.

Unpacking the secrets of successful content distribution in today’s environment is the missing stage in the content lifecycle. So let’s explore how to optimize this part of the lifecycle.

Mobilize & Modularize Your Sales Content

The go-to methods that many marketers are using for distribution, including portals, internal shared drives—even emailing huge PowerPoint slide decks—are simply ineffective. In order to better reach customers and prospects, marketers need to leverage an active distribution channel so that the right content is accessible to the sales team.

You may be thinking, “But which types of content should we be distributing?”

There are many different types of content that will help move prospects through the sales funnel, including:

Putting these assets into the hands of your sales team allows them to access and distribute the right content to the right prospects at the right time.

Start With a Goal

To empower sales and modernize marketing, it’s important that each new piece of content has a focused goal. Marketers should ask themselves questions like:

For example, maybe a sales person is speaking to a prospect about solving a specific business challenge. At this critical point, would distributing a case study help move the prospect through the sales cycle faster? Setting goals upfront will assist with this process.

Organize Your Strategy

Creating a documented strategy will make content distribution turnkey. The strategy should include a goal for each new piece of content and how it will be measured. Once content goes live, you can simply review your documented strategy and implement.

Instead of simply “storing” content, have a plan for getting it to sales and in the hands of your buyers.

Distribution Through Your Sales Force

Leverage an intuitive and elegant content distribution solution such as Mediafly’s SalesKit to get only the most relevant content to the right areas of your sales force.

Do you have a great content distribution strategy? If so, please share.

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