I was honored to join hosts Audrey Strong and C. Lee Smith diving into what it takes to better enable sales and drive sales transformation in our session: ”Tips for Boosting Your Sales team’s ROI”.
One important tip in this new digital / remote selling environment: “Create little stories you can pivot to based on a buyer’s challenges. As a sales manager you have to be sure your sellers are not presenting a big linear, traditional presentation in their on-line meetings, but teaching your sellers to instead piece together these little mini-presentations, I like to call Vignettes, and be able to jump into these mini stories based on the unique priorities and challenges of the customer.”
Click the link to get our advice!
#SalesEnablement, #DigitalSelling, #RemoteSelling, #SalesPresentation, #RevenueEnablement, #BuyerEnablement, #BuyersJourney
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