Lessons Learned on Scaling a Value Selling Program – with Bill Weinberg

By Tom Pisello | December 18, 2019

We spoke to Bill Weinberg of MicroFocus and learned how important value selling tools are to him and his team. He created a wonderfully effective system that helped his three person team get over a thousand sellers to EVOLVE!!

On selling products vs. value…

“One of the things that we were focused on doing is to be able to help elevate the opportunities for our customers as we are trying, as we are helping them understand the value that our products bring at a technical capability. It’s also important that we help them see the value that we offer to them from a business perspective as well.”

Bill and his team created what they fondly call the ‘Value Brief ‘. This consists of 3 main corner stones to be touched upon to seal the value of product to the customer.

It’s truly as easy as 1,2,3!


Keep evolving, EVOLVERS!

Until next time…

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