What 2015 Has in Store for Digital Experience Delivery Platforms

By Lindsey Tishgart | February 24, 2015

Back in December, Forrester analysts rolled out their predictions for 2015. One key theme they highlight for businesses focusing on digital experience delivery platforms is flexibility. The importance of flexibility is emphasized in the Forrester report, “Predictions 2015: Digital Experience Delivery Platforms Become Flexible Or Lose Momentum.” In this report, analysts call attention to three major areas where flexibility and adapting to change will benefit companies in 2015.

Behind the Application Development & Delivery

What’s going on underneath an application impacts potential buyers, so application delivery and development professionals need to get savvy in order to create products that both stand out and meet customer needs. Ditching integration with one-way APIs is one way to do this, according to Forrester analysts. They recommend deploying platforms that enable cross-channel, two-way data flows and easier connections across front and back systems. Analysts stress that if products do not connect with other delivery capabilities or provide CRM access, companies risk losing credibility and customers.

Front-End Changes

Changes affecting front-end developers working on application development and delivery (AD&D) include the rising use of web components and an emphasis on user monitoring. According to Forrester, “web components are library-based assets that can be customized, linked, reused, and managed.” By incorporating web components, front-end developers can create a mass of publicly shared assets that can be used to further accelerate web development. Moreover, Forrester analysts predict that end user performance will be considered earlier in the development process, allowing front-end developers to catch potential user performance problems before they become a customer issue.

Marketing and IT Coming Together

More marketers understand the risks associated with slow web page load times, especially for mobile. As a result, they are increasingly focused on monitoring potential issues. To obtain optimal website performance optimization on both the web and mobile, Forrester analysts predict that more AD&D leaders will combine the efforts of marketing and IT. As stated in the report, “Technology management capabilities will continue to blur with strategic marketing and commerce capabilities, increasingly aligning with a “marketing technology” or a “split brain AD&D” model.” With the growing popularity of technology such as apps, social channels and wearables, the need for marketers to control the delivery of content will increase. Marketers who take advantage of an API-first content management platform will be able to access new touch-points that were previously not available to them.

What other trends do you think will shape enterprise digital experience priorities?

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