Stop Presenting. Have a Conversation.

By Lindsey Tishgart | January 29, 2015

group meetingAs a salesperson, you know how critical your pitch is. It’s that pivotal point where you gain momentum by communicating your value and developing the relationships necessary to achieve your goal. Your pitch can make or break a deal. So how do you perfect it in order to win the deal?

Linear Storytelling is NOT the Answer

With so many competitors out there vying for business, it’s increasingly difficult and equally important to differentiate yourself. One way to do this is through your pitch. Approaching prospects with the same corporate presentation compiled of slides with canned, infomercial-like messaging is not effective. In fact, this linear way of interacting with prospects is more likely to bore them than engage them, and in turn, move them through the next stage of the buying cycle.

Customer pain points and needs vary, and oftentimes, these unique pain points and needs are uncovered mid-pitch. That deciding piece of information to address newly uncovered factors may not be readily available in your slide deck presentation, leaving you either unable to address the situation or awkwardly searching through slides. Both cases may cause potential customers to lose interest.

So, what IS the answer?

Dialogue is Key

With more buyers leveraging tools that allow them to conduct product research well before engaging sales, you’re left with far less control over their buying journey. Therefore, it’s critical to maximize face time with prospects by leveraging the most relevant content when it will be the most impactful.

While linear presentation tools such as PowerPoint have long been the standard, they aren’t conducive to predicting every possible path a conversation may go down. As a salesperson, you must be able to tailor your pitch at any moment, integrating new elements that are uncovered along the way.

Changing your presentation to be less liner and more conversational puts you in a position to answer unexpected questions and access different content at any point in a conversation. Using content in a way that facilitates a connection with prospects makes them feel that you truly understand their unique challenges, so they see you as a trusted partner that brings value to their team.

SalesKit Can Help

If you’re trying to differentiate your pitch, try a more customized, interactive approach that encourages meaningful conversations. With a mobile sales enablement app like Mediafly’s SalesKit, you can access any type of content in a way that best supports your conversation from any device.

SalesKit gives you the ability to realign yourself to your prospects’ needs or tailor the conversation as you talk. Content is stored on an easy-to-navigate application, which provides an intuitive user-experience that enhances the effectiveness of every pitch. Simply select video excerpts, data sheets, slides and images directly from an iPad and organize them to seamlessly support your conversation.

Take Your Pitch to the Next Level

SalesKit provides a fast way to access the most up-to-date information. Without having to worry about predicting every possible path a conversation may go down, salespeople have smarter interactions with prospects while reducing meeting prep time.

Ready to differentiate your pitch? Take a test drive of SalesKit today! 

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