Debunking Common Cloud Myths

By Lindsey Tishgart | February 19, 2015


Padlock by Mike | CC by 2.0

Even if you’ve been living under a rock for the past few years, chances are you’ve heard of cloud computing. Cloud computing has transformed the way we do business—from communication and digital content storage to sales enablement and training programs. Despite the increasing growth and adoption of cloud computing, there are still many questions and hesitations surrounding the cloud. These questions and hesitations are highlighted in an article from entitled, “Myths Uncovered: Business Data in the Cloud.” As the title suggests, author Stephanie Khoury lends a hand to those who are still unsure of what the cloud can and cannot do by debunking the following myths:

Myth #1: There is no such thing as “privacy” in the cloud.

Reality: Third party cloud providers have a number of rules and regulations in place that require them to comply with strict privacy and security standards. It is important to recognize that data stored in the cloud is owned by the client, not the provider.

Myth #2: Data is not secure in the cloud.

Reality: cloud data centers are extremely secure—more so, in fact, than if that data was stored on a company’s own storage system. Security is the main priority for cloud providers, which is why they employ teams who are in charge of protecting data from any potential attacks.

Myth #3: Data in the cloud can be held hostage.

Reality: Data stored in the cloud belongs to the creator, not the cloud service provider. The provider is simply doing a service for the client by storing and protecting their data.

What kinds of questions have you heard about the cloud?

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