3 Crucial Elements of a Digital Marketing Strategy

By Lindsey Tishgart | July 15, 2014

It’s no surprise that marketing departments have incorporated digital marketing into their overall strategy. According to the Huffington Post, digital marketing is crucial to adapt to because it represents the fastest growing channels of direct communication, engagement, and delivery for a company’s communication, branding, and products/services.

However, the question isn’t whether or not organizations have implemented digital strategies- it’s whether or not they are doing it effectively in a manner that produces optimal results. Any organization can be intimidated by the multi-channel and complex digital world, so it’s crucial to fully grasp the elements of a digital marketing strategy in order to alleviate the pressure.

Content Marketing: Sharing Information without Selling Directly

In general, blogging and producing valuable digital content (ahem, content marketing!) is a crucial element to a digital marketing strategy. However, it’s the originality and quality in the content that is key to focus on in order to achieve optimal results; something we recently pointed out in a previous blog post, Top 3 No-Nos for Digital B2B Marketers (can you tell we like the number 3?). Companies need to create original and interesting content for their target audiences without “selling” to them. The goal is to become established as a thought-leader, rather than just a pushy sales person. The reward is that clients appreciate learning from your compelling content and, in turn, this establishes loyalty.

Drive Traffic

Keep in mind that you should be doing everything possible to drive traffic to your website. Not only is it imperative to produce quality content but to include links and keywords that increase search engine optimization (SEO) and positively impact the exposer to your company’s website. A keyword strategy enables visitors to find your website via search results, henceforth increasing web traffic. Also, social media needs to coincide with blogging efforts via thought-provoking tweets and using complementary media, like videos, photos, or supplemental links to drive engagement. More traffic and increased engagement means more inbound leads. In fact, according to a 2012 study by HubSpot, 77% of B2C and 43% of B2B enterprises obtained clients through social media.

CTA’s Galore

Calls-to-action (or CTAs) can convert spectators into potential clients. They are intended to direct potential clients to a landing page where they can seek out more information, in the form of a free download, about the respective product/service they are inquiring about. This provides an exchange of information – you provide the prospect valuable information about the product/service they are seeking and they, in turn, provide their information that you will use to interact with them further. As you gather more information about the potential client you can tailor future content to their specific needs, industry, or problem area(s).

These three crucial elements to a digital marketing strategy should serve as common knowledge, however, each element progressively gains importance so it’s key to always be aware of them especially if you are a company in it’s beginning stages of adopting a digital marketing strategy.

How have adapting to these crucial elements improved your digital marketing strategy?

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