Reps Can Stay Relevant With Dynamic Sales Presentations

By Lindsey Tishgart | September 3, 2015

Salespeople beware!

The face of modern sales is changing dramatically, and the current stereotypes and caricatures of sales people as we know them are going the way of the dodo. In the business-to-business world, buyers are increasingly favoring self-service; as more and more brick and mortar stores struggle to remain relevant with consumers in the digital age, so do sales reps with their business-oriented clients. So, how do sales reps keep from becoming extinct? A dynamic sales presentation.

A recent study conducted by Forrester points out that this transition toward self-service is motivated primarily by the majority of B2B buyers educating themselves more thoroughly throughout the buyer’s journey. This trend coupled with the perception of online purchasing as more convenient makes it clear why salespeople must adapt to a changing landscape if they, and their businesses, hope to survive.

In the report, Forrester positions that salespeople must undergo their own transformation to keep up with the mental shift in buyers. According to Forrester, sales departments are assuming more of a support role, especially in cases of expensive and/or complex products. A company’s future can depend greatly on products and services they buy, so these decisions are never taken lightly. Thus, it’s monumentally important that a sales team have tools that allow them to build dynamic sales presentations capable of educating and selling, but most importantly, engaging.

Forrester also cites discord between buyer behavior and entrenched sales habits. According to the report, “91% of all B2B sales still take place offline despite a clear desire on the part of B2B buyers to research and buy online. But just 25% of B2B companies today actively sell online.” This frightening statistic illustrates a nonsensical adherence to legacy selling tactics. It would be one thing if online sales were unique to B2B companies but markets all over the world are trending toward online sales. Salespeople are supposed to follow the money and the money should be leading them online.

The digital era is leading to the elimination of what Forrester calls order takers. Order takers simply shill the product whereas consultants, those equipped to educate and sell, will thrive, and are thriving. Salespeople need to have resources at their disposal that present information to their clients that change based on the client’s needs. Gone are the days of the one-sided sales pitch where a rep leans on well-worn facts and figures in order to bully a prospect into buying. A prospect has to know that the company they will potentially be buying from really wants to solve their problems instead of just take their money before moving on to their next generic pitch.

Transforming order takers into consultants will happen by building a digitally-enabled sales force capable of presenting their product in an educational and engaging way.  More than ever, a rep must captivate while informing, putting a premium on pitches that incorporate different media types and interactive elements.

Looking to learn about how you can empower your sales team? Download our webinar with Forrester analyst, Peter O’Neill, and gain a better understanding of the changing B2B sales landscape.

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