How Can the Internet of Things Improve B2B Marketing?

By Lindsey Tishgart | April 7, 2015

Oh, the Internet of Things (IoT)—a common term that essentially means the connection of everyday objects to the Internet. The connected object is often referred to as “smart,” which is another term showing up more and more these days…Smartphones…Smart Houses…Smart Cars… Smart Watches…Smart Barbecues…(Okay, maybe there isn’t a Smart Barbecue quite yet, but soon enough there will be one).

With the growing popularity of the Internet of Things, you might be wondering how B2B marketing can benefit. A recent blog from, written by Jon Clarke, covers this very topic. As Clarke explains, it is easier than ever for businesses to access detailed information about their customers. While aggregating and dissecting the data may not be easy, a business can learn a lot about how their customers use technology, and ultimately determine the most effective ways to reach them.

Clarke summarizes his insights into how the Internet of Things can help improve B2B marketing:

The Internet of Things is only evolving. By the time this blog is published, there will be five others published just like it trying to find new ways to make the most of this expanding market. What the IoT ultimately comes down to is information. The business that is best equipped to analyze and utilize the information available to them will be the business that capitalizes on what the Internet of Things has to offer.

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