What IT Can Learn from Sales

By Lindsey Tishgart | January 6, 2015

In order to evolve and stay relevant, it’s essential for workers to constantly hone their skills and knowledge. Just as today’s marketers must maintain a solid understanding of the latest marketing automation technology, IT professionals must remain up-to-date on the latest consumer insights.

This idea of shared talent is highlighted in an article from ITWorld.com, titled “6 Things Techies Can Learn from Sales.” In the article, author Eric Bloom discusses how different departments within an organization can train and learn from each other in order to achieve total company optimization. As the titles states, Bloom focuses primarily on the skills that “techies” or the IT department can learn from the sales team, listed below:

  1. Focus on benefits over features: Technical minds tend to focus on features over benefits when discussing a product. However, the best way to communicate a product’s value when speaking to prospects is by focusing on positive attributes over physical assets.
  1. Know when to stop talking: Techies are generally very knowledgeable in areas that the general public knows nothing about, which is why IT professionals tend to focus on details and technical aspects rather than benefits. While this approach certainly proves expertise, it is not always the most effective way to connect with a prospect in the early stages of the buying cycle. It’s important to listen closely to what the prospect is asking, and tailor the answer to match their understanding.
  1. Be empathetic: Salespeople are great at assessing problems from the prospect’s point of view. By incorporating this type of approach, techies will be able to better understand the problem that needs to be solved, so they can create the appropriate solution.
  1. Understand user pain-points: By pinpointing prospects’ pain-points, techies will be able to anticipate their future needs and ensure future satisfaction. This proactive thinking will help enterprises stand out as innovators in their industries.
  1. Don’t forget the packaging: The work that techies do is often so “techy” that it’s easy to brush aside physical appearance. However, appearance is one of the first things that draws a prospect or user in, making it a critical piece of the puzzle that shouldn’t be overlooked.

By remembering these simple tips, techies in the IT department will be able to share in the overall vision of a product and further aid their organization in achieving success.

How do you promote cross-departmental learning within your organization?

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