The Age Of Hoarding Information Is Over: Mobile Access to Content Is Critical

By Lindsey Tishgart | October 25, 2013

Big Data by Infocux Technologies – CC by 2.0

Enabling a growing mobile workforce and facilitating accessibility to media and data is surging in importance. With the mobilization of content, come the related challenges of how to organize, optimize and digitize the content that your teams need. Thankfully organizations are making huge strides in incorporating enterprise mobility into core business processes such as sales and marketing, and tearing down the barriers between information exchanges.

Mobile access to content is a positive thing but it won’t be successful without proper oversight. This additional access point also adds another layer of complexity to content management, distribution of content, user access and data exchange security.

Adjacent to the need for well-organized information is the necessity of user-centric features inherent to the application itself. Because our mobile culture tends to be a bit ‘feature crazy’ (think memos, maps, presentations, photos, etc.) it’s important to know answers to questions like:

Although the answers to these questions seem easy enough, many times it’s difficult for companies to take the leap and make the mobile shift. Their progress is hindered by the lack of a content strategy that takes into account all of the elements of digital content and by a long history of “information hoarding”. They are also resistant to let go of antiquated approaches to developing new content and to distributing that content in a way that leverages all of the benefits of mobile devices.

The responsibility to organize content and advocate a culture of content sharing often falls on marketing and has the biggest impact on sales reps. Sales teams want to sell better, faster and more effectively. Whereas marketing teams seek to show their value by reinforcing the brand and putting content into the hands of their internal stakeholders with ease. Marketers truly want to facilitate the sales process and empower their sales reps.

The perks of accessible mobile content are clear. Easy sharing between teams and faster ways to access the most up-to-date information—just to name a few. In order for sales reps to feel prepared and for marketing teams to show that they are impacting the bottom-line, it’s important that content be easy to locate and utilize. Preparing for a sales meeting should be as easy as assembling content on your iPad by selecting the most relevant slides, video excerpts, data sheets and images into a consolidated presentation. Then just throw the presentation up onto a screen and you’re good to go.

It should be that easy and it is that easy. Once your organization gets over the mentality of hoarding information, the first step is to set up a content strategy that is scalable and supports the mobile shift of digital content. The final step is to find an enterprise mobility partner that can provide the technology to support your content mobilization efforts.

How does your content management strategy support full access and mobilization of content? Please share your comments or ideas here.


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