Red Hat OpenShift Benefits Estimator

The business value of a Container Platform to accelerate application development and reduce infrastructure costs

The team at Red Hat commissioned a business value white paper from IDC to measure the realized benefits customers were able to achieve leveraging the OpenShift container platform. Although this white paper was an effective marketing tool, the team wanted to create a more compelling interactive asset, so that prospects could not only understand the potential business value of OpenShift, but exactly what the solution could mean for their particular environment and challenges.


Red Hat wanted to create a more compelling and interactive asset to articulate the value of OpenShift to prospects.

The goal was to help prospects understand the potential business value of OpenShift and make the case for change.

The Goal:

  • Create a tool that could communicate and quantify the value OpenShift could deliver using credible 3rd party primary research

The Solution:

  • The OpenShift Benefits Estimator is an interactive online sales and marketing tool leveraging and referencing the IDC research

The Results:

  • Fuel new demand-gen campaigns, capturing more leads using interactive content
  • Better nurture clients to accelerate the buyer’s journey
  • Arm specialists, sales reps, and partners with customized business cases to deliver personalized financial justification for each prospect’s unique opportunity

Checkout the Red Hat OpenShift Benefits Estimator for yourself:

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