Ineffective Sales Training Hurts Even the Best [Infographic]

By Tal Vinnik | July 5, 2016

Without coaching, you retain 100% of your sales training. The problem comes on day 30, when you’ve lost a whopping 87% of training insights. Sales productivity is often talked about in the context of time prepping for meetings and time saved by a CRM, but CEB recently examined productivity in the context of training and coaching.

For different sales groups, they found pairing training and coaching leads to productivity impacts 4 times higher than training alone. “Coaching” can take different forms:

Scroll down to learn more about sales coaching in CEB’s infographic.


Tal Vinnik s Mediafly’s Senior Marketing Manager. You can find him spreading the good word about Mediafly on every corner of the web, writing blogs, looking for GIFs or explaining gibberish on whiteboards. Connect with him on LinkedIn or follow him on Twitter.

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